Mark Sandford

Born in London January 1962. Professional background in finance and accounting, now qualified with the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers. Has started a new role with Glaxo Smith Kline plc in a German speaking capacity. Lives alone in High Wycombe, unmarried. Has been a member of British Mensa for over 20 years and goes to local meetings more than the weekend gatherings. Has gone to 3 out of the last 4 AGMs organised by British Mensa. Interests are classical music, theatre, economics obviously and current affairs. I am also an ardent fan of London Wasps rugby club.
- UK Aerospace Part 2
- UK Aerospace Part 3
- American Debt Part 2
- Why the Proposed Cull of Badgers Won't Work
- A Boost for the Armed Forces
- A Boost for the Railway Industry
- A Very British Success Story
- A Case for Applying Common Sense
- A Sign of Competitiveness
- The Current Weakness of the Euro
- Energy Supplies Part 2
- European Aerospace Part 2
- The Eurozone Act 2
- The Eurozone Act 2
- The Eurozone Act 2
- The Eurozone Act 2
- The Eurozone Act 2
- A Failing Society
- A Fall in Inflation
- Graduate Employment Here & Now
- A Come-Back in Heavy Engineering
- Housing; A Crisis in the Making
- How Not to Do It
- Inflation Part 2
- Inward Investment Part 2
- Motor Industry Act 3
- Motor Industry Act 4
- Why the Motor Industry Must Succeed
- Nuclear Power; For or Against
- A Revival in Offshore Energy
- Pensions Part 2
- Pensions Part 3
- Pensions; To Be or Not To Be
- Pharmaceuticals; A Jewel in the Crown
- A Reduction in Unemployment
- The Renewed Spectre of Inflation
- A Revival in British Mining
- A Snapshot of European Airspace
- A Snapshot of European Shipbuilding
- A Sudden Spurt in the Motor Industry
- The Tide is Turning
- The Tide is Turning Part 2
- The Tide is Turning Part 3
- The Tide is Turning Part 4
- Unemployment Part 2
- Why Exports Matter
- UK Aerospace Part 4
- EU Shipbuilding Part 2
- Offshore Oil and Gas Part 2
- A Crisis in the Dairy Industry
- World Trade in Information and Communications Technology
Mark Sandford - Permission granted to freely distribute this article for non-commercial purposes if attributed to Mark Sandford, unedited and copied in full, including this notice.